About Us
We are content experts who produce our own media, host conferences and provide publishing and marketing services.
The company was founded in 2004 by Robert Hamilton-Jones and Andrew Wilkins. Colleagues in the Australian media industry, they share a passion for excellence in corporate publishing and extensive experience of international markets.

Business Advantage International (BAI) has produced scores of business guides on countries from Vietnam to Tonga, staged several prestigious international conferences and launched a world-class inflight magazine.
In Papua New Guinea, we have produced the renowned annual Business Advantage Papua New Guinea guide since 2006.
Its online sister publication, businessadvantagepng.com, is PNG’s top-ranked source of business news, with over 250,000 individual readers annually.
We have arranged a high-profile investment promotion conference on PNG since 2011 (Business Advantage Papua New Guinea Investment Conference) as well as Innovation PNG in partnership with Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
In 2015, BAI was listed 59th in the BRW Fast 100 list of the fastest-growing companies in Australia. In 2020, the in-flight magazine we produce for Air Niugini, Paradise, won the award for Oceania’s Leading In-flight Magazine in the World Travel Awards.
BAI is registered to conduct business in Australia and Papua New Guinea.